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New PowerBinder Executive Portfolio-Tablet Charger From PowerStick

powerstick [1]Ottawa’s PowerStick Inc. [1] has begun shipping the next generation of its solar-powered portable charging solutions – the PowerBinder [2]. Designed and engineered with the power and reliability of PowerStick products, the PowerBinder turns an executive leather portfolio into a full-service mobile command centre. It features solar powered technology, flash memory for data storage, and additional storage space for handouts, brochures, and smart devices. A CES 2013 Innovations & Engineering Award winner, the PowerBinder enables complete control of technology anytime, anywhere.

“The PowerBinder is our fifth generation of charging solutions, but it offers so much more than the ability to simply charge mobile devices,” said Nigel Harris, PowerStick.com CEO. “The PowerBinder is a portable office, consolidating all of a business traveler’s communication needs into a functional, elegant product. The portfolio-style console provides consumers with a comprehensive workstation equipped to handle the demands of business professionals and students. This is a real game changer.”

Key Features:

The PowerBinder is available now on PowerStick.com with a list price of $199-$249 (pricing varies depending on the flash memory size). Visit PowerStick.com to learn more about the PowerBinder executive portfolio/tablet charger. To get all the latest news, information and product updates “Like” them on Facebook [4], follow them on Twitter [5], LinkedIn [6], and visit their blog [7].