The Whistler Film Festival is proud to announce the 12 writer/producer teams from across Canada selected to participate in this year’s second annual China Canada Gateway for Film® Script Competition. Presented by the Whistler Film Festival in association with Telefilm Canada and China Film Group, this dynamic pitching competition is the only national effort of its kind designed to stimulate international financing for Canadian feature film projects by introducing experienced Canadian writer/producer teams to Chinese studios with up millions of production financing on the table. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Careers, Education, Events, National News By: Tami |
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Independent game studio Arctic Empire has released a new barrage of office shenanigans on iTunes. Office Attacks is available now as a free download for the iPads of everyone who knows what it’s like to work with annoying co-workers. Office Attacks! is a tower defence game set in the 9 to 5 grind. By combining office equipment to build over 1,000,000 possible towers, help Steve defend his desk from 10 unbearable staff members. Featuring 40 levels of office mayhem, Office Attacks! gives users the chance to be creative and strategic to achieve total office domination. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Casual, Everyone 10+, Mobile, National News, New Releases By: Tami |
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The giant Xbox One I told you about earlier this week powered up last evening (I was at work beating the quarterly Fuel Tax report into submission and couldn’t make the event) and onlookers at the corner of Nelson and Seymour in Vancouver were witness to a seasonal treat – a live action appearance of new character Nick Ramos from Capcom Vancouver‘s upcoming Dead Rising 3 title and a horde of zombies. The defending crowd was armed with an array of weapons to beat back the horde and they did just that, and they did it with gusto! In the spirit of Halloween, Dead Rising 3 also released a new trailer to celebrate. The trailer encapsulates the reckless carnage of the hotly anticipated open-world zombie action game. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Action Adventure, Events, Mature, National News, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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