Royal Ontario Musuem Launches New ROMining Game App
Following the recent opening of the Barrick Gold Corporation Gallery at the Royal Ontario Museum, the ROMining Game App is now live. The gallery, located in the ROM’s Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth’s Treasures (Level 2), is an interactive 600 square foot space, with multi-touch, animated displays, multi-media presentations and more. At the heart of this new gallery is the Challenge of Mining game. Featuring a multi-touch table, the game can be played by up to eight players in the Museum and another four mobile players, by downloading the newly available ROMining Game App. An inter-generational experience, the game requires players to choose a specific character, representative of a mining stakeholder (miner, local community member among them) and, working together, players are challenged to “manage” a successful, ethical, and productive mining operation. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Educational, Everyone, National News, New Releases By: Tami | Print This Post