• Village Gamer

  • Delvinia’s INSIGHTS Unveils How Canada Feels about Social Networks and Reluctance in Sharing Information

25th May 2009

Delvinia’s INSIGHTS Unveils How Canada Feels about Social Networks and Reluctance in Sharing Information

Delvinia InteractiveToronto – The latest Delvinia INSIGHTS report on the digital behaviours and attitudes of Canadian consumers, unveiled that Canadians have a strange juxtaposition with their digital social needs and their reluctance to share information. The release of Online Communities and Information Sharing shows that there are differences between the genders as well as the ages, and how even the Net Generation (18-30) finds some activity uncomfortable in the digital space.

“While the proliferation of social networking in Canada has made the space comfortable for many, the majority of Canadians still have concerns of privacy, security and trust,” said Adam Froman, President and CEO of the Delvinia Group of Companies. “Social networking can be a formidable channel if used appropriately and for the right audience, but it’s imperative to understand a customer’s digital behaviour first. Companies just learning to integrate social networking into their digital strategies should begin by leveraging the powerful and largely populated social networks that already exist.”

Online Communities and Information Sharing revealed a number of insights that need to be considered by companies in managing the Digital Customer Experience.

Highlights about Canada’s view towards Social Networking include:

* 83% of female Canadians aged 18-30 feel digital technology allows for easier social connections, compared to their male counterparts at 76%.
* Only 6% of NGen and 4% of Gen X report visiting recent media darling, Twitter, in the last month. The same as other, less talked about social networks including Hi5, DIGG and Tagged.
* There is a significant difference between how frequently Canadians visit social network sites vs. post content. YouTube experiences the greatest difference between views and posts – for example, while 83% of NGen visited YouTube only 6% posted content. While 59% of Boomers visited the site, only 4% posted content.

When sharing information online, here’s how Canadians felt:

* No surprise, NGen feel the safest about sharing any type of personal information online but are more comfortable sharing credit card (79%) rather than address and phone number (50%).
* The majority of NGen and Gen X feel safe about sharing and using credit card information; Boomers & Canadians 65+ are significantly less confident (only 46% of Boomers, 39% of 65+ feel safe).
* Only the majority of NGen are comfortable sharing demographic information (53%) – the majority of all other generations are neutral or not comfortable sharing information like their age, gender and marital status.
* Most Canadians would prefer NOT to share their addresses or phone numbers online. NGen is most comfortable (yet only 29% feel safe), while Boomers are least comfortable (only 22% feel safe).

“The insights uncovered in Online Communities and Information Sharing are just a morsel of the information that we have in our Insight Engine,” added Froman. “Our unwavering dedication to and insight-driven approach and direct access to Canadians through our proprietary tools is what sets us apart from other digital agencies and can give a company an edge over their competitors in today’s challenging economy.”

Delvinia Interactive focuses on creating and integrating insight-driven Digital Customer Experiences within the context of the total customer experience. And it’s Delvinia’s proprietary insight tools – their AskingCanadians™ consumer research panel and its Insight Engine of consumer attitudes and behaviours – that allow them to keep a finger on the pulse of the needs and behaviours of Boomers, NGen, and other Canadian consumer groups.

To download Delvinia Interactive’s complete Online Communities and Information Sharing insight summary or its previous INSIGHTS release, NGen vs. Boomers, visit www.delvinia.com/insight.

This entry was posted on Monday, May 25th, 2009 at 10:20 pm and is filed under Research Studies, Social Media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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