On October 16, 2013, almost 7,000 backers pledged their support for The Long Dark, Hinterland Games‘ first-person, post-disaster survival simulation through crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. The Long Dark surpassed its $200,000 goal and raised $256,217 (CAN). Read the rest of this entry »
posted in fundraisers, National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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With less than 48 hours to go in the Kickstarter campaign for The Long Dark, Hinterland Games is pleased to announce that one of the most celebrated voice actors in games today has joined the very talented cast for the game. David Hayter is best known for his over 15-year role as the English voice of the iconic video game hero Solid Snake, from Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid series. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Our congratulations to the team at Hinterland Games, who was beyond thrilled to announce earlier today that first-person post-disaster survival sim title The Long Dark reached its $200,000 fundraising goal on Kickstarter – with three days remaining in the campaign. We were actually out for lunch with our Valley Indie Meetup Group and were watching on our phones as the numbers ticked up, closer and closer to the goal. Below is a message from founder and creative director Raphael van Lierop that was sent to The Long Dark’s Kickstarter backers: Read the rest of this entry »
posted in fundraisers, Game Dev, National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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The world of The Long Dark is one of harsh beauty. The same elements that may kill you with indifference, haunt you with their majesty. The wind howls, the snow falls, and the aurora hangs above you, a breathtaking reminder of what humanity has just lost. The developers have talked a lot thus far about rugged bearded men, the rough “coffee and cigarettes” men like bush pilot Will Mackenzie, who have the stern stuff needed to survive in this post-digital, post-disaster world – but every bit equal to them are the strong women who face the new frontier, and today Hinterland Games announced that my absolute favourite female voice actor, Jennifer Hale, has officially joined the cast of The Long Dark. In a project funding update – at press time, the Kickstarter campaign stood at $ 161, 514.00 with 5.5 days remaining to reach the studio’s goal of $ 200, 000.00. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Support for first-person post-disaster survival sim The Long Dark on Kickstarter has been overwhelming. Yesterday, the game was named Project of the Day on Kickstarter, and the number of backers swelled past 3,500. The final push is on in this, the final week of the fundraising campaign, and those backers have pushed Hinterland Games to the 60% mark of its financing target with 8 days to go. To celebrate this mark, and to hopefully encourage more people to back the game, Hinterland has released its first prototype gameplay video. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in fundraisers, National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Just a week into their Kickstarter campaign for The Long Dark, and Hinterland Games has already amassed the support of 2,500 backers who have generously pledged more than $70,000 towards development of the simulation survivalist project. The developers are very pleased to announced that one of our personal favourite Canadian actors will be joining Mark Meer (who is also a personal favourite) on the cast of The Long Dark. This morning we were very pleased to discover that Elias Toufexis will be lending his talent to one of the characters, even though Hinterland is not yet revealing which character. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in fundraisers, National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Hinterland Games is thrilled to announce that talented actor Mark Meer has joined Hinterland and will be voicing The Long Dark‘s protagonist, bush pilot William Mackenzie. Fans of the Mass Effect series will no doubt recognize Mark as the iconic Commander Shepard in that blockbuster game franchise, and we’re honoured that he’ll be bringing the lead character in The Long Dark to life. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in fundraisers, National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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The development team at BC’s Hinterland Games is sending out a huge THANK YOU for the interest in their studio and its first game. They are over the moon that you’re as excited about The Long Dark as they are and recognize that they wouldn’t be here without you. The team has launched their official KickStarter campaign, and it’s off to a great start as the staff at KickStarter have chosen it as a Staff Pick. The KickStarter campaign runs until October 16th 2013, and is looking for a total contribution goal of $200 000.00. Check out the studio’s informational video over on the KickStarter page. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in fundraisers, National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Game industry veteran Raphael van Lierop has announced the formation of independent developer Hinterland Studio, a new creative studio located in the picturesque Northern Vancouver Island wilderness. With a roster of established industry veterans who have collectively worked on over 40 triple-A games, the studio is also pleased to announce development of its first title, The Long Dark. A first-person post-disaster survival simulation, The Long Dark is set in the aftermath of a geomagnetic super storm that has destroyed North America’s technology infrastructure. In the first season of this episodic series, players experience this grim new reality through the eyes of bush pilot William Mackenzie, isolated with other survivors in the Northern wilderness as a result of the event. Gameplay emphasizes exploration to gather resources and knowledge about the world, while mastering a deep survival simulation to overcome the myriad natural and man-made hazards of the new frontier. Players will also face difficult moral choices that will affect the outcome of gameplay, story, and ultimately, the course of humanity’s recovery. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, Careers, Game Dev, National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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Independent game developer Nine Dots Studio is excited to announce their game, GoD Factory: Wingmen, the 4vs4 space combat MOBA will be available on PC, Mac and Linux platforms. The competitive game allows players build their ships part by part and fight massive online battles. GoD Factory is currently on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight seeking support from the community to finish the ambitious project. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in National News, Rating Pending, Simulations, Upcoming Releases By: Tami |
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