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  • Public Opinion Poll Demonstrates Broad Support For Motion Picture Production in British Columbia

7th February 2013

Public Opinion Poll Demonstrates Broad Support For Motion Picture Production in British Columbia

mmpiaThe Motion Picture Production Industry Association of BC (MPPIA) has released BC Film Industry Public Perceptions and Support (PDF), a research report which discusses the findings of a Mustel Poll commissioned by industry to measure understanding and support for motion picture production in British Columbia’s economic mix.

“Across the board, the results of this poll demonstrate that British Columbians are aware of the billion dollar industry that we have built here in British Columbia over the past three decades and they understand the far reaching benefits of a robust production sector,” says MPPIA Chair Peter Leitch.

Specifically, the research was designed to measure:

  • Industry perceptions and its importance to the economy
  • How the industry is perceived in terms of benefiting residents, businesses and the arts and cultural community
  • How the industry is believed to impact residents and businesses and how well it compensates those affected by filming
  • The level of support for/opposition to government incentives
  • Awareness of the MPPIA

Leitch adds, “More importantly, the results show that British Columbians see knowledge based economic diversification as a high priority in this province, and see motion picture production as a key economic driver, second only to tourism – which is also boosted by a healthy production sector.”

Key highlights of the Mustel Poll include:

  • A total of 85% of BC residents support encouraging growth of the film industry, which is stronger than support for most other industries measured.
  • The large majority, 92%, believes the film industry is at least somewhat important to the province’s economy, with six-in-ten who consider it to be ‘very’ or ‘extremely important’. Only 7% feel the industry is unimportant to BC’s economy.
  • A total of 83% support provision of government incentives in order to keep and encourage film production in BC, and help it be competitive with Ontario and Quebec. Only 11% are opposed
  • A total of 40% of BC residents know someone who works in the film industry, with the proportion increasing to approximately 50% or more in areas of Metro Vancouver.
  • Residents estimate that approximately 27% of BC’s population either directly or indirectly benefits from investment and spending that is made by the movie or film industry in BC.
  • Resident groups that provide the strongest levels of support for incentives include: women, those 35 years of age or over, and Metro Vancouver and Southern Interior residents

MPPIA, a member-based, non-profit society established in April 2002 to grow, diversify and promote a competitive and sustainable motion picture production industry in British Columbia.

We Create BC is a communications initiative of MPPIA to inspire understanding, pride and ownership of BC’s motion picture industry within the province’s vibrant creative economy.

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 7th, 2013 at 1:36 pm and is filed under Business News, Careers, National News, Research Studies. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    5:38 am on February 7th, 2013

    .@mppia Public Opinion Poll Demonstrates Broad Support For Motion Picture Production in BC http://t.co/mvGfUb6U #savebcfilm #wecreatebc

  2. @savebcfilm
    7:01 am on February 7th, 2013

    RT @VillageGamer: .@mppia Public Opinion Poll Demonstrates Broad Support For Motion Picture Production in BC http://t.co/mvGfUb6U #savebcfilm #wecreatebc

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