New Animated Series Debuts
Vancouver – Animation Brewery Productions is proud to announce the debut of Gross National Product!, a series of animated political satires featuring the talents of the legendary comedy duo Double Exposure. These hilarious animated shorts will poke fun at current events with the celebrated wit of Double Exposure’s Bob Robertson and Linda Cullen.
The first episode, which takes aim at the federal election’s upcoming Leaders’ Debate, debuts today online at the official GNP site. Episodes will also be posted on Animation Brewery.
Double Exposure Brings Two Decades of Comedy Experience
Multi-talented comedians Bob Robertson and Linda Cullen began working together as Double Exposure on CBC Radio 21 years ago, then toured their shows across the country throughout the 1990s, and eventually found a home on television on both CBC TV and CTV. The award-winning Vancouver duo will write the scripts and perform the voices for Gross National Product!
You can also keep up to date and find some behind-the-scenes info at the GNP Blog