Interactive industry survey now online – help support and strengthen our industry!
The Canadian Interactive Alliance/L’Alliance interactive canadienne (CIAIC) is looking to build a complete profile of Canada’s interactive media industry, including all companies in Canada that work in or service the interactive media industry, either completely or partially.
The 2008 Canadian Interactive Industry Profile (CIIP) will assist the CIAIC in strengthening the Canadian interactive industry by increasing investment and partnering opportunities and improving the business climate for interactive media. Since the interactive industry is not routinely tracked by government agencies such as Statistics Canada, it is up to the industry to produce a comprehensive economic and operational profile to present to relevant decision makers.
National and regional profiles of other creative industries, such as film and television production and the performing arts, have existed for some time. They have aided provincial and federal government agencies and private investors in making public policy and funding decisions to help stimulate these industries. Similarly, the CIIP will bolster lobbying efforts to achieve the CIAIC’s three target priorities:
1. Increasing Access to Capital;
2. Increasing Access to Human Resources; and
3. Increasing Access to Markets.
About the Survey
The questions in the 2008 CIIP survey should be completed by company principals in a position to comment on overall operations of their company (CEO, CFO, COO, etc.). The survey asks for detailed financial and staffing information needed to form an inclusive profile of the industry. To speed completion time, it would be useful to have the following information at hand when completing the survey:
*Financial information from the last reporting year; and
*Staffing information from the last reporting year.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All responses will be kept strictly confidential, and data will be reported in aggregate. Nothing identifying yourself or your company will be disseminated or published. Additional measures to ensure anonymity will be taken in those jurisdictions with small sample sizes.
Important Instructions
Click on the link below to begin the survey. Please be advised that the survey can only be completed on one computer terminal. Also, if you leave the survey completely inactive for one week after beginning it, the data entered up to that point will be collected and you will not be able to complete it without starting over.
Should you have any questions about the survey or encounter any difficulty when completing it, please contact Nordicity Group Ltd. consultant Kurt Eby (keby -at- nordicity -dot- com, 613-234-5852) or CIAIC executive director James Lewis (jlewis -at- ciaic -dot- ca, 613-878-7604).