• Village Gamer

  • Cackleberries Brand Educational Toys to Reach Growing Asian Market and Beyond

30th April 2012

Cackleberries Brand Educational Toys to Reach Growing Asian Market and Beyond

cackleberriesCackleberries CEO Eronne Foster has announced a new joint venture between her Canadian online gaming company and toy manufacturer Mainland China Direct (MCD) in Shenzhen. Together the companies will design and manufacture all toys, games, electronic and printed goods for the Cackleberries brand.

Canadian Sean Murphy, who is Director of MCD and has been living in China for 15 years, said, “In all my years of business, this is one of the most exciting projects I have ever been involved in. Not only do I get to work with a fantastic creative team from my home town in Vancouver, the products are going to help a lot of children in China learn English Cackleberries Conceptand much more.”

Working in tandem with Cackleberries’ artists, Murphy’s company will be creating a deep line of educational materials for children ages 3 to 7. This will include plush and plastic collectible characters, digital games, board games, flash cards, as well as computer accessories such as mouse pads and speakers.

Cackleberries and MCD are going to launch these new products mid-May in first and second tier cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The toys and games will be sold online as well as through distributors of the Cackleberries English Language program, who will buy a product kit for every new member they sign up.

When asked what the major challenges are for doing business in China, Murphy said, “China is very price sensitive but with our 15 years of experience and marketing plan we are confident in our success.” Though Cackleberries toys and games will be launched in China this spring, they will come to the North American market very quickly.

This entry was posted on Monday, April 30th, 2012 at 11:48 am and is filed under Business News, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    4:49 am on April 30th, 2012

    .@Cackleberries Brand Educational Toys to Reach Growing Asian Market and Beyond http://t.co/DrwW64nY

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