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  • Rogers Survey Reveals What Many Canadians Would Give Up Before Giving Up Their Internet

9th May 2012

Rogers Survey Reveals What Many Canadians Would Give Up Before Giving Up Their Internet

rogersThe Rogers Innovation Report released today reveals that Canadian technology users are hungry for the next generation of Internet experiences. Over three quarters (79 per cent) say that the Internet allows them to connect in ways that make their lives better now and 72 per cent expect the Internet to play an increasingly important role in the next five years.

“The Internet is indispensable to us today and we have yet to see its full potential,” said Robert Switzman, Senior Director Emerging Business, Rogers Communications. “From apps that monitor cholesterol to fridges that automatically order groceries, the Internet is becoming the backbone of all connections in the world around us, and will continue to evolve how we go about our daily lives.”

The Rogers Innovation Report leverages joint research from Rogers and Vision Critical and regularly explores connected Canadians’ habits and views on technology. This latest Report focuses on the future of Internet Rogers Innovation Reportconnections – how the Internet is being used today and how Canadians will want to use it in the future.

Connected Canadians say that the Internet is essential to them today and they are prepared to make sacrifices for this important connection.

Important to their everyday lives

Today, those surveyed say they are using the Internet to connect with family and friends (98 per cent), follow the news (97 per cent), do their personal banking and manage their finances (94 per cent), research health issues and symptoms (93 per cent) and watch movies and television (92 per cent).

And they would sacrifice a lot before they’d give up their Internet connections. Thirty-four per cent would give up alcohol, 31 per cent would go without chocolate and 27 per cent would skip coffee. What they wouldn’t sacrifice? Only six per cent would give up regular sex, four per cent would go without daily bathing and four per cent would choose the Internet over personal contact with others.

Canadian technology users expect the Internet to be even more important in their daily lives in the future.

Expecting great things from the Internet

Healthier living: More than half (51%) say they would make better decisions about diet and exercise if technology would allow them to track their vitals, such as blood sugar level, heart rate and cholesterol level, while 57 per cent want a diagnosis by connecting with their doctor online.

Honey, the fridge says we’re out of milk: Thirty-seven per cent (47 per cent of 18-24 year olds) say ‘smart’ appliances would help them manage their households better with 44 per cent of men believing this vs. 30 per cent of women.

Checking freshness and saving money: Fifty-six per cent want real-time access on their mobile devices to information on grocery store items, such as origin, ingredients and how long it’s been on the shelf. Sixty per cent would prefer to shop at a store that enables them to use their mobile device for price comparisons, with 64 per cent of men interested in this option vs. 54 per cent of women.

Wanted: tech-savvy employers: Overall, those surveyed want to work for tech savvy companies. Sixty per cent of all surveyed would consider leaving a job to work for a company that allows them to work from anywhere.

Downloading information directly into the brain: Many of those surveyed have creative ways for how future Internet experiences may make their lives easier and better. Ideas included downloading information directly into the brain, automating road traffic to eliminate the need for human drivers and virtual reality phone calls that would assimilate personal contact.

“Canadians expect great things from the Internet. So we are investing in our networks while also introducing innovative, next generation products and services to help our customers realize world-leading Internet experiences that make their lives better,” said Switzman.

About the survey
From April 13th to April 15th 2012, an online survey was conducted among 1,010 randomly selected adult Canadians who own a smartphone and are connected to the Internet. All were Angus Reid Forum panelists. The margin of error—which measures sampling variability—is +/- 3.1%, nineteen times out of twenty. The results have been statistically weighted according to region and gender. Discrepancies in or between totals are due to rounding.

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 at 9:11 am and is filed under National News, Research Studies. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    2:11 am on May 9th, 2012

    #Rogers Survey Reveals What Many Canadians Would Give Up Before Giving Up Their Internet http://t.co/clLA5aHd

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