• Village Gamer

  • hyperWALLET Announces a New Approach to Consumer Prepaid

15th August 2012

hyperWALLET Announces a New Approach to Consumer Prepaid

hyperwalletVancouver-based global payment solutions provider hyperWALLET has announced the expansion of its prepaid card product line to include a General Purpose Reloadable (GPR) Visa prepaid card that addresses the financial needs of independent sales representatives in the direct selling sector.

hyperWALLET, a winner of the Best in Category for Prepaid Incentive, Reward, Rebate and Loyalty Program at the 2012 Paybefore Awards, will offer the full-feature, low-fee General Purpose Reloadable (GPR) Visa prepaid card to its USA corporate clients and their payees.

Similar to other general purpose prepaid card programs in the market, hyperWALLET’s card can be used as a bank account alternative, allowing the cardholder to fund the card from a variety of sources, including cash at over 40,000 retail locations and direct deposit of employment earnings, such as wages or salary. However, unlike most card programs, hyperWALLET’s card will be fully brandable by sponsoring corporations, and available as an optional upgrade for existing corporate incentive cardholders.

“Our corporate customers and their sales representatives love the brand-enhancing aspects of our prepaid visa product, and for the past year we’ve been fielding requests from cardholders to add reloading capabilities,” states Lisa Shields, President and CEO of hyperWALLET Sytems Inc. “The US prepaid market is ripe for an offering with a fresh take on fees, distribution, and branding. Reloadability is the first of several planned features on our roadmap to make our product the ‘favourite’ card for both corporations and their payees.”

hyperWALLET will be launching their General Purpose Reloadable Visa card in September 2012 to both existing and new customers. For further information on this or our other global payment solutions, contact hyperWALLET at (604) 482-0090 or solutions@hyperwallet.com.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 15th, 2012 at 9:30 am and is filed under Business News, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    2:31 am on August 15th, 2012

    .@hyperWALLET Announces a New Approach to Consumer Prepaid http://t.co/qnWTp4AD

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