The Long Dark Surpasses Funding Goal
Our congratulations to the team at Hinterland Games, who was beyond thrilled to announce earlier today that first-person post-disaster survival sim title The Long Dark reached its $200,000 fundraising goal on Kickstarter – with three days remaining in the campaign. We were actually out for lunch with our Valley Indie Meetup Group and were watching on our phones as the numbers ticked up, closer and closer to the goal. Below is a message from founder and creative director Raphael van Lierop that was sent to The Long Dark’s Kickstarter backers:
You got us to $200,000. You did it.
It’s been an incredible journey. And it’s just beginning.
Over the past weeks, the thing that’s kept us going through the 18 hour days and the ups and downs of the emotional roller coaster that is Kickstarter, is you.
When things were looking a little grim for the campaign and we had people reaching out to us to say…”You should quit, ’cause I’ve seen enough of these to know you’re not going to make it.” – we said “No. As long as we have one backer who believes in what we’re doing, we’re taking this all the way to the finish line. One way or the other.”
We knew this is what you would expect of us. Every day, the team at Hinterland has been so inspired by how all of you have stepped up to help make this game, this experience, a reality. You’ve given us the will to continue fighting.
On behalf of the incredibly passionate and talented people I’m so fortunate to call my collaborators and friends — Alan, Dave, Hokyo, Emily, Marianne, Zac, Cris, Sascha, Pablo, Eric, Mark, Jennifer, Elias — thank you for your support, your belief, your trust, your energy, your passion, and your courage.
Together, we’re going to make something amazing.
Now let’s blow some of those stretch goals out of the water. We have 3 days left. Let’s give this a fight to the finish worthy of The Long Dark.
– Raphael