22nd March 2012

Carrot Helps Online Retailers Close the Deal

carrot by kibbokoFor online retailers, cart abandonment is a frustrating reality. On average, 75% of shopping carts are abandoned and less than 4% of visits result in a sale. To solve this problem, Kibboko is launching Carrot, a subscription software service that helps online retailers increase conversion rates and turn more visitors into happy customers.

Carrot™ uses the proven “that’s not all!” technique. When a shopper adds an item to their cart, Carrot displays a promotional offer, such as a free gift or a coupon from the retailer. The shopper receives the item by completing the purchase.

“Carrot is a fresh approach to help internet retailers close more sales,” said Kibboko CEO Keith Bates. “For example, a linen store could offer romantic candles with a purchase of bed sheets. Or they could offer a coupon. Timed right, this small gesture can make a big difference in closing sales. It makes for a happy shopper and a happy retailer.”

Carrot is a service available for online retailers on eBay’s Magento platform, in both Community and Enterprise Editions.

“Carrot is quick to set-up, easy to use, and provides retailers with instant access to their data,” said Bo Xu, Lead Developer at Kibboko. “And we’ve put just as much effort into the back end, making sure that the service is extremely rugged, reliable and can scale to any size of retailer.”

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