Way back in March of this year, Vancouver Film School announced that they were partnering with YouTube to create a scholarship challenge. YouTubers were given the chance to win one of three full scholarships for whichever VFS programme they wanted to pursue, all they had to do was produce a three minute short film around the subject “What Matters To You”.
The response to the competition was widespread, with hundreds entries coming in from all over the globe. The Vancouver Film School team whittled through the entries, and placed the top ten on the VFS YouTube channel and allowed the public to vote on their favourites.
The top three videos have been announced, and they are:
Jorge R. Canedo Estrada, 17, of Mexico (Digital Design)
Christopher Harrell, 25, of the United States (Digital Design)
Stefan Ramirez Pérez, 19, of Germany (Foundation Visual Art & Design)
You can view the three winning entries right here on VFS’ YouTube channel.
posted in Education By: Tami |
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Title Sponsor: Electronic Arts
Vancouver International Game Summit 2008
The agenda is now finalized and this is one Game Summit you don’t want to miss!
The Vancouver International Game Summit and its Advisory Board are pleased to announce that this year’s closing keynote event will feature the key leaders behind the 2007 Game of the Year: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
“Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare – The Business and Game Design behind the 2007 Game of the Year” – “Tabitha Hayes of Activision, and Infinity Ward’s Vince Zampella will discuss the success of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and how business, brands and exceptional game design come together for a blockbuster hit of the year.”
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posted in Education, Game Dev By: Tami |
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By Tina O’Block
Technology is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives as well as the workforce.Recent studies predict that by the year 2010 almost every job in the American workplace will require some use of technology. This influx in technology has caused changes in the way the computer is being used in the workplace and in the way computer literacy needs to be taught in our schools.
When the personal computer was first introduced in the 1980’s, people had to learn how to operate it, program it, and utilize its basic functions. Today, people and businesses are becoming more familiar with technology and using it more as a tool for such things as information gathering, data analysis and interpretation, presenting information, problem solving, communication, etc. This technology is also continually being updated and changed to allow for more efficient and productive work, causing people to have to keep pace with this new information. In such a knowledge-based economy, knowing how to locate information quickly, evaluate this information for bias and accuracy, and synthesize and apply that information to solve problems will be needed and valued skills. Therefore, teaching students skills such as these will better prepare them for the workforce of the 21st century.
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posted in Education By: Village Gamer |
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By Tami Quiring
Written from notes on a lecture given by Vlad Ceraldi, President and Joint CEO of HotHead Games, Vancouver.

Mr. Ceraldi began his lecture by asking attendees what they love most about gaming. The top four answers were story, action, interaction and environments. He next asked why they wanted to go into game development, and the top two responses were for the creativity and enjoyment of doing the work. He then held up the box for a PlayStation 3, and asked if given the choice, would they choose the console or having a job in the industry, and without hesitation the answer was having a job in the industry.
Throughout his lecture, Mr. Ceraldi was brutally honest with attendees. He did not paint a Hollywood fantasy picture of the game development industry, and I feel that because of his honesty, those looking for jobs in the industry have a much clearer idea of what it takes to enter such a competitive field. He stated that if you only wanted to become a game developer to get rich, you would be better off pursuing another career, because you would have to work just as hard in game development, if not harder, as you would to be successful in any other career.
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posted in Education By: Tami |
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This checklist was prepared by the Game Developers’ Association (Australia)
STUDENT CHECKLIST: Questions that every potential games student should ask
The following checklist has been prepared for students and parents to use when reviewing potential game courses and educational institutions.
What links does the course have with the games industry?
Is there anyone in the game industry that could be spoken to regarding the course?
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posted in Education By: Tami |
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