26th June 2011

The Next MoMoVan is July 11

DigiBCThe next DigiBC MoMoVan event takes place on July 11th at the Centre for Digital Media and will feature speaker Scott Michaels, Vice President, Client Services at Atimi Software, Inc. Scott will be sharing his views on industry trends, publishing, Apple store and best practices.

Atimi Software, Inc. focuses their technology insight on the quickly changing Apple market and iScott Michaelss one of the largest independent Macintosh development houses in the USA. Scott Michaels has worked with many Fortune 500 companies to bring their products to the mobile space and has assisted in restructuring their marketing plan to include mobile.

He is a vital force behind the Atimi team that has developed more than 35 applications currently on the market for some of the leading brands in North America including the New York Times, HBO, and the Vancouver Canucks. Having worked on the front lines of software development and project management for over a decade, Scott champions the need for a cohesive strategy for companies bringing products to the mobile space.

MoMoVan July will start the evening with three to four quick entrepreneurial pitches – if you are interested please contact DigiBC president Howard Donaldson in advance. Tickets for MoMoVan are free DigiBC members, Sponsors, Partners and Students. Tickets for all others are $25.00 each. Space is limited to 70 people, so register soon.

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26th June 2011

Royal Tour 2011 Mobile Apps

Government of CanadaNew applications launched by the Government of Canada will allow more people across the country and around the world to follow The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they embark on their tour of Canada Royal Tour Appbeginning on June 30. The iPhone and mobile applications were launched today by the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages.

“Royal Tours are opportunities for all Canadians, particularly young people, to take pride in our country and our history, and to show to the world all that this great country has to offer” said Minister Moore. “Launching this application will offer Canadians the opportunity to connect with the Royal Tour and interact with friends and colleagues in exciting new ways.”

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will make seven official stops in four provinces and one territory over nine days, from June 30 to July 8. The upcoming Royal Tour will be the first international tour for The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as a married couple.

The new 2011 Royal Tour iPhone application is available for free on iTunes and is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad devices running iOS 4.0 or later. Blackberry and other mobile platform users can access the content at m.royaltour.ca.

The 2011 Royal Tour website provides information and details regarding the Royal Tour and the Monarchy in Canada. You can also follow the latest updates on the Tour on Facebook and Twitter.

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