Ondi Timoner Filming At Montreal Startup Festival
Two years after We Live in Public, a film that portrays our willingness to sacrifice our privacy in an online world, American film-maker Ondi Timoner, Director at Interloper Films, once again aims her camera at the Internet. This time her focus is on Internet startups in an era of almost complete transparency. It’s a film about big ideas and big data, from the first back of a napkin to the billionth user. But it’s also about how those businesses can modify our behavior, convincing and coercing us to do their bidding through the power of public, social interactions.
The documentary will kick off filming at the International Startup Festival in Montréal, July 13 to 15, 2011, where hundreds of founders, investors, and successful entrepreneurs are gathering to tackle the business of launching new ventures.
The International Startup Festival is a two-day dynamic event of networking, learning, new ideas that focus on the business of startups. It brings a global audience together to cover the entire startup lifecycle: early-stage innovation; scaling the business; and achieving a successful exit.