BC Moms Create Game to Get Families Talking
B.C. Moms have invented a kids’ game to kick-start creativity and get families talking. Concerned about growing amounts of screen time, the moms see SUPER Story Starters as a way to re-connect with traditional family values.
“All of the illustrations, photographs, writing & production were done here in B.C.,” says mom of two young boys and Founder of Spark Your Imagination Inc., Tamara Vukusic. “The four moms who did the creative work on this game feel empowered to be sharing something with families across Canada that supports what we believe in – “Creative kids. Connected families.”
“It was an interesting creative collaboration,” adds mom and co-owner of Spark Your Imagination Erin Brule. “With a total of six kids under the age of six, a large portion of the work happened in the wee hours of the night (and during nap times).”
The SUPER Story Starters will be launched at the Vancouver Island Baby Fair on September 24th & 25th in Victoria by developer moms Suzanne Beattie (illustrator), Erin Brule (photographer), Alissa Staples (illustrator) and Tamara Vukusic (writer). The team’s first game, Spark, also has an app available in the iTunes Store for iPhone, iPod Touch (99 cents) and iPad ($1.99).