BC Film And Media Announces Passport To Markets Site
Passport to Markets provides financial support to BC film and television companies so that they can attend international markets, and co-production conferences/ exchanges. This fund helps offset travel, accommodation, and registration expenses. Applicable market and festival sites are designated by BC Film + Media and individual calls for applications are released for each site.
Applications are considered from BC resident producers (who have professional experience in the film and television industry) who have been pre-selected to attend a market/festival site. Applications are also considered from BC resident sales agents or distributors on a case-by-case basis.
The following passport sites are now open:
MIPCOM (Cannes, France)
October 8 – 11, 2012
Call for Applications [PDF]
Application deadline to BC Film + Media: August 27, 2012
American Film Market (Santa Monica, California)
October 31 – November 7, 2012
Call for Applications [PDF]
Application deadline to BC Film + Media: September 19, 2012
Note: Recipients of a Slate Development Fund or Passport to Markets envelope are not eligible to receive additional funding through Passport to Markets.
1:18 am on August 17th, 2012
.@bcfilmmedia Announces Passport To Markets Site http://t.co/tt4zMvPt
1:19 am on August 17th, 2012
RT @villagegamer: .@bcfilmmedia Announces Passport To Markets Site http://t.co/VbqtbAUx