• Village Gamer

  • Connect Collaborate And Commercialize At CDMN Canada 3.0 Digital Media Conference

23rd April 2013

Connect Collaborate And Commercialize At CDMN Canada 3.0 Digital Media Conference

CDMNCDMN Canada 3.0 2013, Canada’s only national digital media conference focused on the commercialization of innovation, will feature world-class speakers, a wide-ranging program and showcase of Canadian entrepreneurship when it gets under way May 14 and 15, 2013 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The conference, organized by the Canadian Digital Media Network (CDMN) and featuring emcee Amber Mac, is expected to draw more than 2,000 attendees from industry, government and academia to advance Canadian innovation.

Now in its fifth year, CDMN Canada 3.0 is attracting a TED Talk-caliber roster of keynotes. Recent additions to the lineup of speakers include:

  • Netflix CEO Reed Hastings
  • Steve Irvine, Group Director of Global Marketing Solutions at Facebook

Netflix and Facebook join the already impressive list of speakers, which includes:

  • Jason Townsend, NASA’s Deputy Social Media Manager (who will be appearing via video conference)
  • Chris Anderson, best-selling author and former Editor-in-Chief of Wired magazine
  • Jane McGonigal, game designer, futurist and best-selling author

The program will inspire excellence, showcasing Canadian innovation success stories and providing companies with tools to successfully commercialize their digital media products. There will be 65+ mentoring roundtables within five topic streams that include: productivity; connectivity; access to capital; access to talent; and the mobilization of digital content.

The conference also features an interactive showcase of more than 100 companies involved in Canadian digital media and ICT innovation. The CDMN Hub Pavilion within the showcase will feature CDMN’s member hubs from across the country, along with their client companies and alumni from CDMN’s own Soft-Landing Program. A Grow Global Pavilion will feature international guests, displaying all the connections and information a company needs to grow globally.

Winners of CDMN’s new national award program, the CDMN Moonshot Awards, recognizing companies that have accelerated growth, innovation or productivity through adoption of digital media will be announced on the opening day. And this year’s Canada 3.0 will feature several conferences within a conference – GRAND’s 2013 annual meeting will further increase industry-university networking at Canada 3.0, while Interactive Ontario’s INplay Conference will explore the art and business of kid’s interactive digital media.

Canada 3.0 2013 programming updates, registration details, partnership and sponsorship opportunities will be posted to the Canada 3.0  website. Follow @can3_0 and @cdmn on Twitter, like the Canada30Forum page on Facebook and join the LinkedIn Canada30Forum Group for updates.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 at 7:30 am and is filed under Associations, Careers, Education, Events, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    12:31 am on April 23rd, 2013

    Connect Collaborate & Commercialize At @CDMN @can3_0 Digital Media Conference http://t.co/PQn6g15aLQ

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