• Village Gamer

  • Telefilm Canada Announces Closing Date For Large Budget French-Language Productions

18th March 2014

Telefilm Canada Announces Closing Date For Large Budget French-Language Productions

Telefilm CanadaTelefilm Canada wishes to inform Production Program clients that they have until March 24 to submit funding applications for projects with budgets of $2.5 million or more. The Program will then be closed for the remainder of fiscal 2014-2015. The Production Program for projects with budgets of $2.5 million or more opened on December 16, 2013. Since then, Telefilm has received numerous applications and the requested funding unfortunately exceeds the resources available.

Although the funds have run out, we encourage you to stay in contact with Marie-France Godbout, National Feature Film Executive – French Market, at 514.283.0838, concerning any French-language production project currently underway or in preparation. As of today, in order to ensure efficient management of future projects, all French-Market clients must discuss their production projects with her before submitting an official application.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 at 3:46 pm and is filed under Government, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    8:47 am on March 18th, 2014

    .@Telefilm_Canada Announces Closing Date For Large Budget French-Language Productions http://t.co/B82ktIesby #eyeoncanada

  2. MOR (@MORdirections)
    10:41 am on March 18th, 2014

    RT @VillageGamer: .@Telefilm_Canada Announces Closing Date For Large Budget French-Language Productions http://t.co/B82ktIesby #eyeoncanada

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