The global gaming software industry witnessed strong growth during the last five years and is expected to continue the same growth momentum and reach an estimated $80.7 billion by 2018, according to the new Growth Opportunities In Global Gaming Software Industry 2013-2018: Trends, Forecasts and Opportunities Analysis from Research And Markets. Due to lack of direct alternative for gaming software, the industry is expected to flourish as long as smartphones, consoles, and handheld gaming devices exist. The next generations of consoles will further boost the industry over the forecast period. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, Game Dev, National News, Research Studies By: Tami |
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Branded Entertainment is seldom understood outside the marketing industry, yet it could pave the way to greater collaboration in the creation and financing of original Canadian screen content. The second white paper in a three-part study, released today by the Canadian Media Production Association (CMPA) as a prelude to discussions at their annual conference Prime Time in Ottawa next week, explores the issues faced by Canadian content creators when it comes to working with brands as this trend increases towards integrated, cross-platform campaigns. The report is also available in a French version provided by the Canada Media Fund. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Government, National News, Research Studies By: Tami |
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Introducing the Global Digital Media & Technology Report Series 2013-17 from Research And Markets. It delivers the first-ever econometric view and understanding of the rapid and irreversible worldwide shift toward digital media, and away from traditional. By 2015, analysts predict the global digital & traditional media ecosystem will reach $2.9 trillion, with the rapidly evolving digital media sector crossing the 50% tipping point. This is just is one of hundreds of valuable Series insights, available to executives responsible for strategic initiatives, new business models, and managing rapid change in the 21st Century, where consumers engage with content on a host of web-connected devices and screens, such as smartphones, tablets, computers and videogame consoles. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, National News, Research Studies By: Tami |
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The Canadian Interactive Industry Profile 2012 (CIIP), which provides an in-depth look at the interactive digital media (IDM) industry in Canada, was released today during Interactive Ontario’s X-Summit programming at nextMEDIA. This report follows two previous editions of the Canadian Interactive Industry Profiles released in 2006 and 2008 but proposes a revised methodology that includes a more narrowed definition of the digital media industry to provide more of a focus on companies creating true “rich interactive experiences” (in terms of content creation) and those that supply services that directly enable other firms to create those experiences. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, Careers, Government, National News, New Releases, Research Studies By: Tami |
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In a new report available from Research And Markets, analysts forecast the Global Game Software market to grow at a CAGR of 10.04 percent over the period 2012-2016. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the innovation in audio-visual devices. The Global Game Software market has also been witnessing the increasing number of hardware platforms. However, the shifting of consumers to alternative gaming platforms could pose a challenge to the growth of this market. The report, the Global Game Software Market 2012-2016 has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, and the EMEA and APAC regions; it also covers the Global Game Software market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, Game Dev, National News, New Releases, Research Studies By: Tami |
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Rogers Communications has released the results of a new poll that shows the broadcasting industry needs to evolve to meet changing customer demand – something we consumers already know and are waiting for. Results reveal that a majority of Canadians value their TV subscriptions, including the channels and packages available to them, but want the opportunity to further customize those packages. I know that in our house, we are forced to have a plethora of channels we simply do not watch to get one or two channels that we do want, or simply don’t get them because we don’t want any of the other channels in the package. I still don’t understand why the “documentary” style channels – Bio, Book, Investigation Discovery, Investigation Science, National Geographic, etc. can’t be bundled together in a “Knowledge Bundle” instead of with channels like Much or Spike. Anyhow – back to the story…. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, Editorials, National News, Research Studies By: Tami |
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Independent testing confirms what users repeatedly report – that Fotobounce’s advanced face recognition technology is the best in the world for tagging and organizing digital photos. Fotobounce, developed by Ontario’s Applied Recognition, Inc., outperforms Apple iPhoto™, Google Picasa™ and Microsoft Photo Gallery™. Accuracy is only part of the story when it comes to applying face recognition technology to help consumers tag their photos. Another aspect that is just as important is the way the application handles and presents face recognition suggestions to users. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, Digital Products, National News, Research Studies, Software By: Tami |
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Canadians are looking to forego mall mayhem, skip the long lines at the cash register and shop with ease from their mobile devices this holiday season. According to a new study conducted by Pollara on behalf of PayPal Canada, 48% of Canadians with mobile devices agreed that shopping from their smartphone or tablet is a better option than shopping in store during the busy holiday season. Meanwhile 54% of Albertans and 51% of Ontario respondents agreed that shopping from their smartphone or tablet is a better option than shopping from a physical store as compared to 44% of people in Atlantic Canada. The majority of Canadians felt that shopping from their mobile device this holiday season is better than shopping in store because they can avoid long lines and crowds (68%) and enjoy the flexibility to shop anytime and anywhere (55%). Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Business News, National News, Research Studies By: Tami |
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The Canadian Film Centre (CFC) is calling on filmmakers across the country to show audiences the contribution movies make in our lives with The REEL Challenge: Movies Matter – The Big Picture. A grand prize of $10,000 will be awarded, with a runner-up prize of $5,000. The contest runs until January 26, 2014. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Associations, Careers, Contests, National News, Research Studies By: Tami |
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Branded Entertainment is a lucrative $44 billion a year industry south of the border. But a new study released yesterday by the Canadian Media Production Association (CMPA) at the Merging Media conference suggests that the production landscape is also ripe north of the border for Canadian content creators to forge greater collaborations and take better advantage of evolving financing models. “Branded Entertainment: A New Production Financing Paradigm” is a three-part study prepared by Duopoly’s Catherine Tait that explores the current trends in this arena and provides an introduction to the terminology and practices of the industry today. It is sponsored by the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC), the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and the Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund. Read the rest of this entry »
posted in Associations, Business News, National News, Research Studies By: Tami |
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